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Ways to Contribute

There's four ways you can help the campaign!

Yard signs.

A time-honored way to remind folks to vote.  Just click on the sidebar button, or email Sally Taber (, who will deliver sign(s) you request.


Even small campaigns have some expenses. You can donate online through Pay Pal with the form below, or write a check.

A successful online transaction has 2 steps: fill out the contribution form, then the PayPal form it sends you to.

Write your check payable to Cindy Dyballa, with "friends for Cindy" in the memo line. Drop it by or mail to Cindy at 515 Elm Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912.

City election rules require the campaign to report all contributors and amount donated, as part of periodic financial reports to the City. No anonymous contributions are allowed.See city code title 5.12 on elections at!/TakomaPark05/TakomaPark0512.html#5.12


Help pass out door hangers in October for an hour or two. Email, and we'll be back to you.


Host an in-home Council Member Chat with your neighbors to discuss City issues, so Cindy can hear directly what's on residents' minds.  Contact Cindy directly at

All donations of any size are reported as part of periodic required financial reports to the city. No anonymous donations are permitted.  City code (5.12.020) sets a maximum of total $1,000 in donations from any individual.

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Authorized by Cindy Dyballa
Paid for by Friends for Cindy D
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